I finally made it !
Here is the actual room.
After an 24 hours + travel door to door I finally made it to the Hotel.

I left home in Puteaux at 11:30 Tuesday morning
Took the A340 to Doha who was supposed to leave at 15:00 but left at 16:00(yay Paris airport) see pictures from the previous post. 
Arrived in Doha 23:20 Local tme. 
Now here's an intersting thing about Doha, you would expect an airport not to be too crowded at that time during a non holdiay week. 

Well, it was packed. And What makes it worse is that there are no ramps to get to the terminal. All the passanger are taken to the terminals by bus, all of them. I had never seen so many buses in my entire life. I got out the plane too the bus, now the plane was less than a mile away from the terminal but does it go there directly ?

No! It takes you around the airport (while racing other buses) for over 20 minutes before it gets there. the connection terinal looked like Macy's on a black friday. Also it was the first time in my life I mqde qn international connection without going through Security.

So, I took the bus again for the same drive back which brought me next to my orginal plane as my new plane was parked aside the prvious one. 

The Doha-Tokyo plane was a nice Boeing 777 and was only half full, It took off one hour behind schedule but made it on time to Narita.

In Narita, I took the NEX to Shibuya and I finnally made it to the hotel at 20:30 (12:30 Paris time).

Comments (2)

On January 9, 2013 at 2:36 PM , Artur said...

Not far away from the website picture in post 1, looks ok.

On January 9, 2013 at 6:02 PM , Unknown said...

Nice :-)